- Understanding Shared Links and Their Intentions to Meet Information Needs in Modern Code Review: A Case Study of the OpenStack and Qt Projects. Dong Wang, Tao Xiao, Patanamon Thongtanunam, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Kenichi Matsumoto. Empirical Software Engineering (ESE), 2021. pdf [Selected for the journal first program of the ICSE 2022]
- More Than React: Investigating The Role of Emoji Reaction in GitHub Pull Requests. Teyon Son, Tao Xiao, Dong Wang, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto. 37th International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), Registered Report, 2021. pdf
- Characterizing and Mitigating Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Build Systems. Tao Xiao, Dong Wang, Shane Mcintosh, Hideaki Hata, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), 2021. pdf [Selected for the journal first program of the FSE 2022]
- GitHub Sponsors: Exploring a New Way to Contribute to Open Source. Shimada Naomichi, Tao Xiao, Hideaki Hata, Christoph Treude, and Kenichi Matsumoto. 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2022. pdf
- Understanding the Role of Images on Stack Overflow. Dong Wang, Tao Xiao, Christoph Treude, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Hideaki Hata, Yasutaka Kamei. 20th IEEE International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2023. pdf
- 18 million links in commit messages: purpose, evolution, and decay. Tao Xiao, Sebastian Baltes, Hideaki Hata, Christoph Treude, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, Kenichi Matsumoto. Empirical Software Engineering (ESE), 2023. pdf
- More than React: Investigating the Role of Emoji Reaction in GitHub Pull Requests. Dong Wang, Tao Xiao, Teyon Son, Raula Gaikovina Kula, Takashi Ishio, Yasutaka Kamei, Kenichi Matsumoto. Empirical Software Engineering (ESE), 2023. pdf
- DevGPT: Studying Developer-ChatGPT Conversations. Tao Xiao, Christoph Treude, Hideaki Hata, Kenichi Matsumoto. 21st IEEE International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Mining Challenge Proposal, 2024. pdf
- How Trustworthy Is Your Continuous Integration (CI) Accelerator?: A Comparison of the Trustworthiness of CI Acceleration Products. Zhili Zeng, Tao Xiao, Maxime Lamothe, Hideaki Hata, Shane McIntosh. IEEE Software, 2024. pdf
- A Mutation-Guided Assessment of Acceleration Appproaches for Continuous Integration: An Empirical Study of Yourbase. Zhili Zeng, Tao Xiao, Maxime Lamothe, Hideaki Hata, Shane McIntosh. 21st IEEE International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), 2024. pdf
- “My GitHub Sponsors profile is live!” Investigating the Impact of Twitter/X Mentions on GitHub Sponsors. Youmei Fan, Tao Xiao, Christoph Treude, Hideaki Hata, Kenichi Matsumoto. 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024. pdf
- Quantifying and Characterizing Clones of Self-Admitted Technical Debt in Build Systems. Tao Xiao, Zhili Zeng, Dong Wang, Hideaki Hata, Shane McIntosh, Kenichi Matsumoto. Empirical Software Engineering (ESE), 2024. pdf
- Generative AI for Pull Request Descriptions: Adoption, Impact, and Developer Interventions. Tao Xiao, Hideaki Hata, Christoph Treude, Kenichi Matsumoto. The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE), 2024. pdf